
Conversational Intelligence®
for Coaches - Certification

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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Vernon Simpson DMS, MSc, CIHCM

Location:London, England, United Kingdom

Zip Code:W1B 2QD

Company name:Nydes Management Company Limited

Job Title:Managing Director, Business and Executive Coach

Website or LinkedIn

Professional Experience:Several years Executive and Business coaching experience.

Specialist in developing business growth and improvement in executive performance.

Recognised nationally for outstanding work with housing companies, contractors, and property developers.

Has a strong track record in removing barriers to business growth and delivering improvements with private sector companies such as Grant Thornton, Northgate Computers, Deloittes, KPMG, and PWC.

Skilled at organisation and team development, introducing cost cutting processes, tactical marketing strategies for guaranteed profits, leadership and management training and delivering superior performance.

Qualifications and Accreditations:2016: Certified Conversational Intelligence Coach (C-IQ)

2011: Certification in Coaching, Coaching Academy

2010: Chartered Member Chartered Institute of Housing (CIHCM)

2009: NLP Practitioner Certificate

2009: Prince 2 Project Manager

1986: MSc Degree Advanced Management (University of East London)

1983: Diploma in Management Studies (University of Greenwich)

Languages:English and Potwa

London, England, United Kingdom

Vernon Simpson DMS, MSc, CIHCM

CIQ Certified Coach

Vernon lives in London and has over 25 years’ successful business experience leading executive teams and Boards. Between 1997 and 2008 he held various Director and Non-Executive Director positions for corporate organisations with over £300 per annum turnover.


In 2008 he stepped down as a top executive in large organisations, became a certified NLP practitioner and coach and started working with smaller organisations and companies. He became the face and the voice positively representing various commercial groups, community organisations, private companies and partnerships.


Since 2012 he has successfully worked with SMEs in the London region delivering business expansion plans, growth strategies and team development for companies such as the Tilbury corporation, Lexington Estates, FA Coffee and Maritime Properties and individual executives.


His work is much appreciated in all sectors with his clients getting an average of 150% in turnover and a minimum of 61% increase in profits through his coaching.


Vernon is a firm believer in continuous development and enjoys all types of change management and strategic projects; he ensures the right principles and themes are observed for delivery on target; championing new approaches to business transformation and the achievement of objectives.


He is a regular attendee of the WBECS annual summit, and at the May-June 2015 summit, Vernon was introduced to Judith E. Glaser’s body of work “Conversational Intelligence®.” Vernon resonated with Judith’s body of work and immediately saw how he could incorporate it into his coaching practice leadership and team development work.


He recognised that C-IQ could be very helpful to his clients and prospects that are struggling with:


  • Teams experiencing toxic behavior
  • Creating an innovation culture
  • Sales teams not performing
  • Board alignment; getting board members to work with each other to solve a bigger problem instead of defending individual positions


As a coach that specialise in assisting companies to overcome the barriers to growth, and achieving the right behaviours for business transformation Vernon joined the WBECS Conversational Intelligence® Enhanced Coach Programme in January 2016.


Later in July 2016, he was chosen by Judith and the C-IQ Senior Team from several other coaches in the Enhanced Coach Programme as a coach, who would also qualify for participation in the inaugural C-IQ Certification Programme after having gone through a rigid selection procedure.
Vernon is passionate about C-IQ and has embraced its principles, and since graduating as a Certified C-IQ coach in January 2017 he has enthusiastically put it into action when dealing with teams and individuals in all sectors. He is also a Co-Facilitator for a Mastermind Peer Group of Coaches, who were enrolled in the inaugural C-IQ Certification programme in 2016.