
Conversational Intelligence®
for Coaches - Certification

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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Melina Lipkiewicz

Location:Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Zip Code:5000

Company name:PeopleQ

Job Title:CEO / Leadership Coach

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Professional Experience:Executive Coach




HR consulting

Volume transformation projects

Qualifications and Accreditations:IECL certified coach

Six Seconds assessor

Heartmath coach

CIQ certified coach

Genos certified in all leadership assessment tools and the Leaders Ignite Program

ICF member

Other qualifications include professional qualifications in Human Resources and Bachelor of Business, Marketing major and 20 years in leadership roles.


Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Melina Lipkiewicz

CIQ Certified Coach

A dynamic IECL coach, Melina is a passionate high performer who has coached hundreds of leaders, teams and professionals partnering with them to unlock their potential and realise their vision of success.


Throughout her career, she has worked with clients from diverse backgrounds across many sectors including Financial Services, Public Sector, Utilities, IT, Communications, Sales, NFP, Community Services and Education.  With an optimistic resilient style, she has held key leadership roles transforming existing teams and creating start up divisions that achieved 100% growth YOY.


Uniquely positioned with coaching, C-IQ and emotional intelligence certifications, Melina teams this with insights gained from 18 years in corporate leadership experience delivering people solutions across Australia.   She has been invited to speak on leadership and delivered forums across Australia on talent transformation. With a deep belief in giving back, Melina has raised over $50,000 for charity, run the NYM14, hiked 130kms for Cancer, served as Auscontact Vice Chair and invited to judge at the 2011 Awards.


Today she is driven to truly make a difference to every person and organisation she works with.