
Conversational Intelligence®
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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Melba Holliday

Location:Clarksville, Maryland, United States of America

Zip Code:21029

Company name:Atlantic Leadership Group

Job Title:Managing Partner, Executive Coach

Website or LinkedIn

Professional Experience:-Executive Coach

-Equine Facilitated Leadership Coach

Qualifications and Accreditations:-ACC, ICF, International Coaching Federation

-Equine Assisted Coach, Equine Alchemy

-Certified Coach, Results Coaching Systems

-Certified Facilitator, Leadership Management Inc.

-Certified Outcome Facilitator, Mastery Systems Inc.

-Certified Fascination Advantage Advisor

-Certified TTI DISC & Motivators

-Trained, Project Adventure Outdoor Experiential Learning

-Trained as Master Practitioner, NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming

-B.A. Health Services Administration, Florida International University


Clarksville, Maryland, United States of America

Melba Holliday

CIQ Certified Coach

Melba is a specialist in individual coaching, certified through International Coaching Federation, Results Coaching Systems and Equine Alchemy. She brings her love of the outdoors, horses and experiential learning to her client engagements whether on the phone, in the boardroom or at the farm.


Melba is an experienced facilitator of behavior-change programs that use goal setting to drive results and is certified by Mastery Systems Inc. and Leadership Management, Inc.


She has an exceptional ability to listen to the client’s total message and make it easier for the client to become clear about their goals and highly motivated internally to take action on their plans. Melba works with her business partner and husband, Edwards Holliday, but her true passion is bridled most of the time when working with her other coaching partner, a 1000-pound horse.


Melba is an Equine Facilitated Leadership Coach and she helps professional clients learn about their leadership and management style through interactions on the ground with a horse. A horse will mirror your energy, attitude and behavior. They react immediately to your emotions. Since they are herd animals, they make great learning partners for developing leadership and management skills.


Melba has 28 years of professional experience including six years as an independent business owner of a Florida-based fitness training company. Melba has been a Partner of Atlantic Leadership Group since 1994. Melba holds a B.A. Degree in Health Services Administration from Florida International University.


Melba helps clients get unstuck, move successfully through life transitions and achieve heartfelt priorities.