
Conversational Intelligence®
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Coach Name:MaryAnn D’Ambrosio

Location:Newington, Connecticut, United States of America

Zip Code:06111

Company name:Leap Without Limits, LLC

Job Title:Founder & Chief Inspiration Officer

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Professional Experience:For nearly 30 years, MaryAnn D'Ambrosio applied her MBA (specializing in Finance and Organizational Behavior) in the Power Industry to oversee performance results and process improvement.

In the last five years of her success-filled corporate career, something exceptional happened. MaryAnn discovered a different way to accelerate professional performance and results.

She aligned her MBA experience with the knowledge and soft skills from a Master's Degree in Metaphysical Science to SIMPLIFY and STREAMLINE intentions, goal setting and performance results to a masterful level.

That's how Business Energetics, a powerful revolutionary system for innovation, process improvement and engagement was born.

In 2010, MaryAnn's bold and transformational move to leave her corporate career opened the door for Business Energetics to become the primary platform in her Leap Without Limits coaching and consulting company.

Business Energetics continues to evolve and expand to take clients to their next level of greatness. In 2017 Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ), a groundbreaking neuroscietific framework that's revolutionizing how individuals, companies and entire industries communicate, was integrated into the Business Energetics platform to set leaders and their teams up for success.

Qualifications and Accreditations:- MBA - Finance & Organizational Behavior Concentrations

- CSH- Certified Spiritual Healer, 3-year intensive course of study

- MMsc - Master's Degree in Metaphysical Science

- PhD - Doctorate in Philosophy specializing in Holistic Life Coaching

- C-IQ - Certified Conversational Intelligence® Coach


Newington, Connecticut, United States of America

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio

CIQ Certified Coach

Client Focus:

Business Energetics Coaching and Consulting

Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

Leadership Development

One-on-One Coaching for Executives & High Potential Individuals


Expertise and Results:

Through the Leap Without Limits Business Energetics platform, clients consistently experience greater trust, clarity of purpose and inspired action that is in alignment with the organization’s vision, mission and values.


Business Energetics assists in…

  • Creating a culture where people want to work so that… the company attracts and retains top talent that is excited, engaged and motivated to go the distance.
  • Fostering collaborative dialogue so that… the organization is on the same page and challenges are quickly resolved through open, honest communication.
  • Aligning team direction so that… productivity improves and enhances performance for a better customer experience.
  • Fostering innovative thinking so that… teams generate and implement ideas for process improvement and develop new products and services.


Overall, Leap Without Limits helps leaders (and their teams) be more trusting of their decisions, bring spontaneity into their structure and see things from a 360 degree perspective so they can lead more effectively, inspire their teams and maximize their results.


For 10+ years, MaryAnn has applied Business Energetics to help business leaders and entrepreneurs strengthen leadership presence, expand engagement and accelerate results.


To Sum Up… all this results in happier employees and a healthier bottom line.


Interested in taking the next step to set your leaders and teams up for success? Schedule a complimentary Leap Without Limits discovery call.