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Coach Name:Maria Angelina V. Angeles

Location:Manila, Philippines

Zip Code:1005

Job Title:Consultant, Facilitator, Leader Coach

Professional Experience:Senior position in corporate organization overseeing customer service an human resource

Director in government agency overseeing training for exporters


Leader Coach

Transition Coach

Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified Transformative Coach

Conversational Intelligence Certified Coach

Languages:English and Tagalog

Manila, Philippines

Maria Angelina V. Angeles

CIQ Certified Coach

Marlyn has over 25 years experience as an executive in government and private sectors in the Philippines providing her with extensive and varied experiences in developing new and emerging leaders within the organization.


As group head and member of the organization’s management committee, she actively contributed in defining and executing the strategic directions of the organization and coached individuals and teams to obtain better clarity of purpose and develop their leadership potentials.    


She then moved into coaching leaders and individual professionals who are in transition in their lives. She is certified on Transformative Coaching by CoachMasters Academy of Singapore and on Conversational Intelligence by Judith Glaser.


Her coaching practice focuses on supporting her clients reveal their deeper aspirations, express their awareness and feelings that create shifts in their outlook, communication style, and behavior, opening up new pathways for mutual success in relationships and in organizations.  


With a deeper knowledge of Interaction Dynamics, she helps individuals uncover their blind spots and challenges. She supports leaders to identify their growth aspirations, become accountable for their choices and the steps they will take to achieve their vision.


A consultant and a trainer, her coaching practice is enriched with her knowledge and experience on sound customer service, strategic thinking, human resource development and the neuroscience of conversation.


Her clients span across individual professionals in transition in their lives, government,  non government organizations, schools, banks and parish based communities.  


In addition to Filipinos, she has worked with partners from different cultures: Asians (Japanese and ASEAN), Europeans (German and Swedish) and Americans.


Marlyn pursued her liberal arts education from the University of the Philippines where she graduated with honors.  She later took on graduate studies on Program Management and Public Policy from the same University. 


In addition to coaching, she trained on Customer Experience Management at the Asian Institute of Management. She is a member of the International Coach Federation and the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches.