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Coach Name:Maree Burgess

Location:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Zip Code:3182


Job Title:Business Owner / Principal

Website or,

Professional Experience:Trainer,
Executive Coach,

Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified C-IQ (Conversational Intelligence) Coach

Accredited Administrator of GENOS (Emotional Intelligence) instruments

Certified mBIT Coach (multiple Brain Integration Technique)

Administrator of MBTI Instruments (Myer Briggs Type Indicator)

Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment

NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Trainer (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Diploma of Nursing


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Maree Burgess

CIQ Certified Coach

Approximately 85% percent of our success in life is directly attributable to our communication skills.


Maree is the founder and principal for which provides programs to help leaders, teams and individuals communicate more effectively and thrive through change. As a people, project and change expert, she is obsessed with helping others collaborate, work and play well together.


Her focus is calm culture through conversation.


Maree brings out the best in leaders and teams and helps them to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Build higher engagement levels
  • Build trusting relationships
  • Co-create to ensure personal and business success


Some of the areas where Maree assists clients:


1. Setting up project sponsors and project manager for project success through coaching, facilitating and mentoring.


2. Understanding change and the impact it has on individuals and teams by training leaders in what is needed to lead their teams through change.


3. Pipeline development for gender diversity through coaching, mentoring and facilitating.


Maree designs bespoke programs tailored to an organisation’s needs and has a number of tailored programs including the following:

1. Executive | Project | Change coaching


2. Training programs:

  • Communication skills
  • Presenting confidently and effectively
  • Facilitation skills
  • Leadership development and how to work with and lead others
  • Building effective teams
  • Preparing for change and how to lead others through change


3 Facilitating workshops to help leaders

  • Develop organisational and team strategies
  • Develop compelling business cases
  • Keynote speeches on a number of topics


Maree is the author of ‘The XX Project – Giving women the skills and confidence to step up in the corporate world.


Industry partners she has collaborated with include:
National Australia Bank | ANZ | KPMG | Accenture | Telstra | Jetstar | Alfred Hospital | Alcoa | Industry Fund Services| VicSuper | Taxation Institute Australia | Department of Human Services | Australian Bureau of Statistics.