
Conversational Intelligence®
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Coach Name:Mac Farquhar

Location:Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom

Zip Code:EH16 6LG

Company name:Able People Development Limited

Job Title:Director

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Professional Experience:30 years experience as an

Organizational Development Facilitator

Management Development Consultant

Executive Coach to Trusted Leaders

Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified Conversational Intelligence Coach

Certified Management Consultant

Accredited Emotional Intelligence Coach

Accredited Challenging Coaching Practitioner

Accredited MBTI & FIRO-B Practitioner

Accredited Member of the Association for Coaching

Accredited Member of the Neuro-Leadership Institute

Accredited Member of the Institute of Consultants &

Chartered Management Institute

Accredited Member of the Association of Management

Education & Development


Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom

Mac Farquhar

CIQ Certified Coach

As a Certified Coach and Management Consultant I specialise in the development of trusted leaders, and have 30 years’ experience of working with a wide range of public and private sector clients in the UK.


I am honoured to be a graduate of Judith E Glaser’s inaugural 2016 Conversational Intelligence Coaching program which means that I am now able to offer my clients an extended range of individual, team and organisational coaching and consultancy in trust-based, neuro-leadership skills to enhance performance.


These new skills are a natural development of my expertise in Emotional Intelligence and Resonant Leadership, and they complement my work with UK author and executive coach John Blakey. John’s new book “The Trusted Executive: nine habits that inspire results, relationships and reputation” was published in April 2016, and the Trusted Executive Foundation will be offering coaching and development for executive leaders in 2017.


There is an urgent need for these new skills as the reputation of business leaders is falling, as is engagement and inspiration at work. We need to develop a new way, a way that is based on a foundation of trust: one that offers far superior results for business success, for people and for society as a whole.


With the help of pioneers such as John and Judith, and others in the neuro-leadership field such as David Rock and Paul Zak, we now have that new way.


This begins with a new definition of leadership: one that is built upon the three pillars of trust – ability, integrity and benevolence; and the nine habits of trustworthiness – delivering results, being consistent, coaching others, being honest, being open, being humble, being kind, being brave and evangelising.


It is fuelled by diagnostic self –awareness and 360 degree feedback to form the basis of a coaching development programme for individual managers, and for team and organisational development, if required.


And includes customised skills development ranging from conversational essentials including priming for trust, listening to connect, asking discovery and innovation questions, and conversational agility to reframe, refocus and redirect conversations, to establishing a foundation for trust, all the way up to the conversational intelligence roadmap for transformational change.


It ends, and begins again, with measurement and continuous improvement.