
Conversational Intelligence®
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Coach Name:Lynn Schaber

Location:Middletown, New Jersey, United States of America

Zip Code:07748

Company name:Potential Within

Job Title:The Effective Conversation Coach

Website or,

Professional Experience:Leadership Coach,
Executive Coach

Qualifications and Accreditations:Member of ICF (International Coach Federation);
Graduate of Corporate Coach U


Middletown, New Jersey, United States of America

Lynn Schaber

CIQ Certified Coach

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Lynn is a Leadership and Executive coach who is passionate about “Helping You Reach Your Full Potential”. She believes that people know deep down inside that they have the potential to achieve more and are looking for ways to get from where they are . . . to where they want to be. Lynn’s coaching facilitates that shift.


The logo for Lynn’s company, Potential Within, is a pearl in a clam shell. A pearl is started from a grain of sand and is formed by continual change, incorporating and growing from what it encounters in its environment. The result is a treasured gem. As human beings, we are also transformed by our experiences and environment and we can learn to use these circumstances to bring out the potential within us.


Today’s fast paced world of business is increasingly demanding, diverse and multifaceted. Organizations are often in a constant state of flux due to mergers, market changes, and demand for increased performance. Lynn partners with her clients to invest in their company’s most important asset – themselves.


Lynn coaches managers, executives and teams both one-on-one and in group coaching situations. Her work with teams includes developing a stronger and more cohesive group focused on building greater trust and alignment which leads to higher performance.


Lynn’s clients use coaching to:


  • Become better communicators
  • Enhance their leadership presence
  • Assume increased responsibilities
  • Build team cohesiveness
  • Get out of the weeds and be more strategic
  • Turn around difficult work relationships


Her clients have been successful in receiving promotions, increasing sales, improving relationships with staff and upper management and finding time for their personal life.


Focus on Effective Communication


One of Lynn’s specialties is communication. Words and conversation are the currency we all work in. Nothing happens without communication and yet many of us are unaware of our own communication style and how to adapt it to be more effective.


As the Effective Conversation Coach, she helps clients increase their self-awareness around their own communication style and ultimately become more effective leaders.


Lynn has been a professional coach since 2003. She is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and is a graduate of Corporate Coach U International, a recognized training program for corporate coaches. She is a past president of the International Coach Federation (ICF)-NJ Chapter. Lynn holds a BA in Communications from Rutgers University.