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Coach Name:Lynda McNutt Foster

Location:Roanoke, Virginia, United States of America

Zip Code:24018

Company name:Cortex Leadership Consulting

Job Title:CEO, Author, Executive Leadership Coach, WFXR Commentator

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Professional Experience:Executive Leadership Coach


Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified Conversational Intelligence Coach

TED* Practitioner


Roanoke, Virginia, United States of America

Lynda McNutt Foster

CIQ Certified Coach

Lynda is the CEO of Cortex Leadership Consulting and the founder of the innovative technology, goMonti.


Lynda is the author of – Time Mastery: 7 Simple Steps to Richer Outcomes and 4 Keys to More Effective Leadership Behaviors.


She is the weekly expert commentator on leadership for WFXR news at 10pm and Good Day Virginia. Lynda uses her knowledge, 30 years of leading organizations, and Conversational Intelligence expertise, to help CEO’s and their executive teams work through their toughest challenges to reach winning outcomes for their change management initiatives. With her background in public relations she is also an experienced crisis manager for organizations.


Lynda is a wife and mother. A brain-focused trainer. Practical author. Slow runner. Day hiker. Enthusiastic zipliner. Pathetic speller and bowler.