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Coach Name:Lyn T. Christian

Location:Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America

Zip Code:84105

Company name:SoulSalt, Inc.

Job Title:Founder/Owner

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Professional Experience:-Life and Business Coach

-Former educator

-Former Director of Innovation


Qualifications and Accreditations:-Begin training, practice and study toward becoming a future award-winning fencer – current

-Awarded the Conversational Intelligence® Coach Certification – 2018

-Co-Create What’s Your Conversational Intelligence with Judith E. Glaser - 2018

-Elite Heat Spartan Races – Sprint, Super and Beast (prize winner) - 2014

-Certification in mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration) Coaching – 2013

-1st and 2nd Place Completion of Various X-terra and other Sprint Triathlons – 2010 – 2013

-1st Place Fittest Executive, Woman Over Fifty (Utah Business Magazine) – 2012

-PMP – Project Management Professional (Project Management Institute) – 2002 – 2009

-Co-created Coach Training for Franklin Covey Coaching LLC and Legacy Learning LLC – 2002-2004

-Director of Innovation at Franklin Covey Coaching – 2002 -2004

-Master Certified Coach (International Coach Federation) – 2003

-Certified Stakeholder Centered Coach – 2003

-Coach Training Program (CTP) – 2003

-Associate Director of Project Management and Innovation Center (Franklin Covey) - 2002

-Franklin Covey Coach Certification – 2002

-Senior Project Manager, Product Development & Innovation at Franklin Covey President’s Club Winner – 2001

-Content Writer and Project Manager (Franklin Covey) – 1998 - 2002

-Multi-Sensory Teacher of the Year - 1997


Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America

Lyn T. Christian

CIQ Certified Coach

Lyn Christian is a visual thinker, a connector-of-dots, the channel who hands you the very words you need when you need to hear them. She challenges her clients to escape mediocrity and be more strong, focused and true. In addition to certifying in Conversational Intelligence®, Lyn holds the Gold Standard in coaching – M.C.C. designation (Master Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation). Coaching since 1998, she is certified in Marshall Goldsmith’s elite Stakeholder Centered Coaching, is a Franklin Covey Certified Coach and Certified mBIT Coach (Multiple Brain Integration).


Lyn is the former Director of Innovation at Franklin Covey Coaching and former ambassador for the WABC (World Association for Business Coaches). She currently contributes to the WWC (World-Wide Coaching e-zine published out of Amsterdam). She also co-produces the What’s Your Conversational Intelligence® Podcast with Judith E. Glaser.


Lyn’s experience and expertise take her to a diverse population in a variety of industries across the globe. No matter if she’s coaching a small business owner or celebrity, a CEO or a stay-at-home mom, her edgy yet balanced approach is stimulating, creative and inspiring.


Because Lyn has reinvented herself personally and professionally over a dozen times, she excels with reinvention clients. From the creative class, to start-ups to established executives she welcomes humble and willing clients who need both compassion and courage to support them into the next level.


To learn more about Lyn, read the additional information found below, take her free Be True course at or visit


At several points along Lyn’s professional journey she has been called out to act more from courage than conformity. She could not have imagined the chain reaction these defining moments would have on her future. However, each time she said “yes” to what mattered most, she found herself embodying what has become the SoulSalt tagline: Find your truth and then live it.


Striving to experience this sort of integrity-based living takes effort. One must constantly reach for clarity, consistency and being willing to make tradeoffs. So, when Lyn embodied the principles she speaks and writes about, those concepts she coaches from, people took note. They started calling her a real Bad Ass. (Side-note: Lyn would replace that word with Formidable).


The truth is, anyone who embodies the principles and ideals of SoulSalt Inc. becomes a more formidable version of one’s self. And at the end of the day, supporting this transformation is what Lyn and SoulSalt stand for.