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Coach Name:Lori Pannell

Location:Houston, Texas, United States of America

Zip Code:77094

Company name:Lori Pannell Leadership Coaching Inc.

Job Title:President, Executive Coach

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Professional Experience:Executive Coach,
Human Resources Director

Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified in Conversational Intelligence®


Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

Certified in Harrison Assessments

WAVE Leadership Profile

Booth 360

Hogan Assessments


Houston, Texas, United States of America

Lori Pannell

CIQ Certified Coach

Lori is a seasoned coach who has worked with a variety of clients; from first level leaders wanting to shift their “I-centric” behaviors to more effective “WE-centric” behaviors to senior executives transitioning into significant stretch assignments. She has extensive training as a coach, including certification in Conversational Intelligence®, energy leadership, the neuroscience of change and a number of leadership assessments (Harrison, Hogan, Booth, WAVE Profile, Energy Leadership Index).


Her background as a Human Resources Director with a major oil and gas company grounds her work as a coach in practical experience. She has been a leader herself and has advised leaders at all levels through many challenging contexts, including growth, downsizing, restructuring and strategic change. As a result, Lori combines the power of deep, introspective inquiry with experimenting with practical, cutting edge tools to co-create sustainable change with her clients.


Lori has a passion for helping leaders, teams and organizations find and fix their blind spots so that they improve their results, their relationships, their personal effectiveness and their enjoyment of what they do. She helps leaders identify “I-centric” conversational patterns that inhibit healthy relationships and partners with them to shift their thinking and conversations to “WE-centric” approaches and patterns.


She is known for quickly establishing trust with clients and for offering a variety of practical tools and approaches that help her clients make sense of what they are experiencing. She has a depth of understanding of how neurochemistry impacts our own thoughts and behaviors and the thoughts and behaviors of those around us.


As clients experiment with new approaches, they can count on Lori’s empathetic understanding and support, while holding them accountable to do what they say. As clients find new approaches that work, she helps them to achieve sustainable change. Lori transformed her own behaviors and results through use of a coach. She knows first-hand how the partnership of an effective coach and a committed client produces significant change.