
Conversational Intelligence®
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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Loewn Steel

Location:Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Zip Code:5068

Company name:Challenging Thinking

Job Title:Director

Website or LinkedIn,

Professional Experience:C-Suite & Executive Coaching,
Emerging Leaders,
Team Facilitation,
Strategic Planning for Boards and Business,
10+ years as a CEO of $15m-20m organisations,
Board Director

Qualifications and Accreditations:C-IQ Certified Coach,
IECL(Institute Executive Coaching & Leadership Lvl 2,
ICF qualified member,
AICD Graduate,
CEO - 10 years


Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Loewn Steel

CIQ Certified Coach

Loewn has worked in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide where she was recognised as a successful CEO within the Communications and Digital Media business sectors.  She established in Sydney in 1998 and quickly made it a leading and sought after company in its sector.  In 2006 she became the CEO of the Kojo group where she challenged the long-standing business model and became the architect of a new offering that was future focussed with a national and international client base.


In changing the business model of Kojo she enrolled the support of the younger staff and engaged them in looking at the business and imagining where technology could take then in 5 years time.  The result of this was a proposal created by this team that included a SWOT analysis, research, and review of current offerings and suggested a transition to a new model.  


This team took their vision to the Board where it was approved and then they presented it to the entire organisation.   This resulted in a revitalised organisation with a young team who had been listened to, empowered and took on the responsibility of delivering the new initiatives.  A new model was created and is now replicated by others. This work inspired in Loewn the passion to work with other organisations in driving team led change and evolution within their business.  Challenging Thinking was established in 2013 to do just that.


Loewn is member of ICF (International Coaching Federation) and a Graduate of IECL, (Sydney).   She was searching the globe for a style of work that fit with her innate sense of curiosity and working with clients to identify their unknown and then dive into ‘What if’.  When through WBECS she came across Judith E Glaser and her extensive body of work in Conversational Intelligence®  it was as if a light bulb went off . These teachings resonated straight away as it was all about conversations and engaging with others to co-create their vision for the future.


She signed up for the Conversational Intelligence® Enhanced Coach Program in January 2016. Later in July 2016, Judith and the C-IQ Senior Team chose Loewn from a number of coaches from the Enhanced Coach Program as a coach, who would also qualify for participation in the inaugural C-IQ Certification Program in which Loewn also enrolled after having gone through this rigid selection procedure.


The C-IQ® principals and theory of C-IQ & Judith E Glaser are now the foundation of Challenging Thinking.  They are incorporated into coaching 1-2-1 clients, team development, culture change and the strategic planning sessions that she undertakes on a daily basis.


C-IQ® improves relationships at work and at home, the quality of the thinking and conversations are elevated to a position of curiosity and the ability to co-create where the mindset becomes one of asking “How can we create new possibilities together?”   The answer is one conversation at a time.