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Coach Name:Lisa Woodford

Location:Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America

Zip Code:68144

Company name:LEAP Training and Coaching

Job Title:Parenting, Communication and Relationship Coach

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Professional Experience: Communication and Relationship Coach

Qualifications and Accreditations:Strategic Intervention and Conversational Intelligence Coach.


Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America

Lisa Woodford

CIQ Certified Coach

Lisa Woodford brings extraordinary focus and energy to her work as a certified, professional Communication and Relationship Coach. During her 20 years experience as an Educator, Learning Strategist, Trainer and Coach she now specializes in building trust and awareness in relationships across all facets of life. She is passionate about helping her clients create optimum self-awareness to enable them to build trusting connections based on mutual respect and create positive transformation.


Lisa graduated from University of Nebraska at Lincoln with a B.A. in education with an emphasis on Early Childhood Education and Psychology. Her postgraduate studies and Masters programs focused on Neuroscience in Education.


For 10 years Lisa worked independently as a Learning Strategist, Family Dynamics Consultant and Public School Liaison. During that time she helped students understand their unique learning style, decoded how their brain processed information, assisted them in developing positive time management/organizational skills and building strong work/study habits.


As a public school educator, for 9 years, Lisa taught in a traditional classroom setting with 21-26 multicultural students. Lisa received several awards of recognition during her time in education for her efforts to consistently provide optimum educational, relational and personal experiences for her students.


Lisa is currently certified in Strategic Interventions and Conversational Intelligence and has a partnership with LEAP Training and Coaching in Omaha, Nebraska. Lisa and her partners service businesses nationwide to create transformational engagement and elevated cultures.


The mission of LEAP Training and Coaching is to build leadership, strengthen organizations and create a culture which elevates communication, engagement and innovation in the workplace. Effective training and coaching is essential to an organization’s ability to create shared meaning about what needs to be accomplished and why, so that employees get excited and are clear about the future they are helping to create together.


Lisa continues to focus on helping families and employees achieve a sense of well-being and confidence. She believes personal happiness, at home and work, depends on the quality of relationships, focus on mindfulness and efforts to follow best practices in self-care. In their efforts to maximize performance and the ability to create work-life balance, the LEAP team offers online parenting courses that help parents of all ages and stages connect with their children and navigate the complexities of parenthood with compassion and confidence.


Lisa also conducts trainings and workshops through a local college to provide education and tools to the public. She believes reaching out, to all ages and economic groups, is an essential way to co-create a more desirable community. She will continue her efforts to empower our youth, future parents and future leaders to create success through positive relationships.


Lisa is a devoted wife and mother of three young adults. In her spare time, she loves to spend time with her family and friends watching movies, attending live events, painting, reading, dining out, and relaxing at a nearby private lake. She plans to travel both extensively for pleasure and within the US to visit their children and families.