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Coach Name:Lisa Manyoky

Location:Mercerville, New Jersey, United States of America

Zip Code:08619

Company name:The Presence Equation™

Job Title:CEO

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Professional Experience:Presence Coach-Consultant (blended approach)

Executive Coach

Published Author


Branding Consultant

Words Maestro

Qualifications and Accreditations:Certified in Conversational Intelligence®

Certified Life Coach

Licensed New Life Story® Coach (neuroscience)

DiSC® Behavioral Analyst/Trainer

BFA Graphic Design


Mercerville, New Jersey, United States of America

Lisa Manyoky

CIQ Certified Coach

Lisa Manyoky is a firecracker of a personality who is the developer of “The Presence Equation: Look good. Sound good. Be good. Do good.” Lisa is known for her acute understanding of the visible and invisible information exchange between people that constitutes presence.


She has made it her mission to help others develop, refine or repair theirs. Her energetic focus on the domino effect of presence draws from a lengthy career in graphic design, a series of personal challenges, the grit it took to raise three kids mostly on her own, and a longtime immersion in the neuroscience of mindset and communication.


After receiving a degree in graphic design from Rochester Institute of Technology, Lisa spent the next 20 years as an independent design and branding consultant, working with organizational giants such as SONY, Campbell’s Soup, The Muppets and Philips Lighting, as well as small but mighty professionals who include matchmakers, musicians and hockey athletes.


Because Lisa was often hired for long-term creative initiatives, she became privy to the underbelly of organizational dynamics that had nothing to do with why she was originally hired. She was the proverbial fly on the wall in many a conference room—in the room, present and accounted for, but not always part of the entire conversation.


In time, Lisa’s clients began turning to her for objective input about aesthetic and communication matters outside the scope of design projects and eventually, about personal challenges unrelated to business at all. She knew what to say, when to do so, and how to look and behave all the while.


Her counsel made it clear that she was a profoundly intuitive and highly skilled communication troubleshooter. So they sought out her insights and routinely inserted her into conversations as a strategist, liaison, author, editor, stylist, and emotion diffuser.


As an “outsider-insider,” Lisa observed leadership and dictatorship, charisma and condescension, confidence and arrogance, empathy and narcissism. She watched some individuals flourish and some self-destruct or destroy others.


She concluded that “presence” is a highly sensory maker-or-breaker of relationships—in the boardroom, the locker room, the living room and anywhere else two or more people interact. Presence undeniably influences the quality of connection, rapport, morale, productivity, and in business, revenue growth—for better or worse.


Lisa was so intrigued by the phenomenon of presence that she integrated a suite of disciplines and an altruistic approach into a service that helps people close the gaps between desire, intention and perception so they can find a rightful place in their world and THE world.


Lisa is an inspirational ally to any individual who aspires to get ahead, stay ahead, and be really nice while doing so. She is also the proud mother of three kids who keep her tire treads worn and her heart full; a loyal friend to many; a champion of underdogs; the “words maestro;” and a bright spot in every room.