
Conversational Intelligence®
for Coaches - Certification

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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Kate Witteveen

Location:Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Zip Code:4017

Company name:Astute Consulting Services

Job Title:Principal Consultant

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Professional Experience:Executive Coach

Career Coach

Leadership Coach



Board Consultant

Qualifications and Accreditations:B.Psych.Sci(Honours)(First Class); PhD

Certified in Conversational Intelligence ®

Certified in Neuro-linguistic Programming and Neuro-linguistic Personal Coaching

Accredited DISC ADVANCED ® Consultant


Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Kate Witteveen

CIQ Certified Coach

Hi! I’m Kate, and I am passionate about empowering my clients to design and achieve their own version of excellence. With Conversational Intelligence ® as the foundation of my practice, I combine best practice executive coaching paradigms with cutting edge empirical findings from a range of disciplines (including neuroscience, cognitive psychology, emotional intelligence, anthropology and linguistics) to enhance the quality and outcomes of my clients’ conversations, decisions and outcomes.


As a coach, I assist my clients to:


  • Identify the specific challenges interfering with their success;
  • Harness the power of psychology and neuroscience to enhance the quality of their conversations;
  • Create environments that are conducive to individual and collective excellence; and
  • Implement strategies for the co-creation of excellent outcomes.


Drawing from the highly analytical thinking skills I developed during my previous career in academia, I embrace opportunities to partner with my clients to consider a range of perspectives and possibilities as a way of creating new opportunities.


Specialising in career and leadership coaching, I am particularly energised by the opportunity to support clients who wish to propel their career in a new direction (a mid-career pivot) or speed up their current trajectory (leadership training).


I also enjoy facilitating workshops on all facets of human dynamics and topics which provide a foundation for enhancing wellbeing, performance and satisfaction. Providing professional development workshops to teams is one of my favourite things to do because I love seeing attendees have their “ah ha” moments when they connect with the content in ways that are meaningful to them.


In addition to loving all aspects of coaching and training, I enjoy relaxing with my husband and three gorgeous kids, keeping fit by running and working out with family and friends, and curling up with a great book about anything other than science fiction.