Dr. Mario has served in various positions of leadership from Sergeant in the United States Infantry to Aviation Company Commander.
In 1990, he was awarded the Ten Outstanding Young American for Humanitarian Service by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce; and later that year received the 1990 Ten Outstanding Young Person of the World award in Moral Leadership, from Junior Chamber International.
He attended the Junior Chamber International Leadership Academy sponsored by Japan Junior Chamber.
He served as Chairman 1992 of the World Consortium for the Research and & Development of Training in the World Congress held in Miami, Florida, and was reappointed as Chairman of the Consortium in 1993 held in Hong Kong.
In 1994, he served as JCI Vice President assigned to 10 countries in Europe, and in 1995 was elected to serve as Executive World Vice President of JCI for Europe, and presided the 1995 European Business Conference, Strasbourg, France.
He is the Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of iNTERNAL iMPACT, LLC focused on strengthening professionals, business owners, and organizations from within.