
Conversational Intelligence®
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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Dominique Ara


Zip Code:1122


Job Title:Transformative Leadership Coach and Facilitator

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Professional Experience:- Senior Facilitator in Team leadership development

- Executive coach

Qualifications and Accreditations:- C-IQ certified coach

- NLP master practitioner

Languages:French, English


Dominique Ara

CIQ Certified Coach

Dominique aspiration is first to empower and energize executives to become who they really want to be, by helping them expressing their full potential, and thus to enable their corporation to live their core values into everyday life.


As the Soft Skills Energiser, she consults, educates, coaches and drills Gen Xers and Gen Yers from diverse backgrounds on leadership attributes, performance management, change implementation, interpersonal communication, personal development and career design. Dominique operates in French and English, and she speaks fluent Japanese.


Focusing on her track record, she has trained 8,000+ people, from students to senior executives, and guided more than 800 professionals in their self-leadership reinforcement.