
Conversational Intelligence®
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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Catharina Wöhlecke Haglund

Location:Stockholm, Sweden

Zip Code:SE-11140

Company name:Perspectiva AB

Job Title:Leadership Consultant

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Professional Experience:Executive Coach,
Organizational Developer

Qualifications and Accreditations:PCC Coach,
MBTI Certificate,
C-IQ Certified

Languages:English, Swedish

Stockholm, Sweden

Catharina Wöhlecke Haglund

CIQ Certified Coach

I have more than 25 years of experience in the field of Leadership and Organizational development. I help companies with design and facilitation of development programs for groups and individuals of all sizes. Coaching of individuals and groups as a support structure when in transformation towards new goals is always present.


I work with large and global organizations, with leaders at all levels. Action, Reflection Learning is my method, meaning that I work with the present situation and the persons involved in it, rather than theory, fixed methods and case studies. Through Conversational Intelligence (CI-Q) I support building a culture of collaboration and trust, where conversations and relationships that can produce results are created.


My professional training is in behavioural science and organizational development. My clients are banks and insurance companies, global health products companies, steel and manufacturing, retail and public sector.


I often start my assignments with a discovery phase together with important stakeholders, then we plan a roadmap together and work step by step towards a desired future.