
Conversational Intelligence®
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C-IQ Certified Coach

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Coach Name:Michelle Braden

Location:Charlottesville, Virginia, United States of America

Zip Code:22903

Company name:MSBCoach

Job Title:CEO and President

Website or LinkedIn

Professional Experience:Executive


High Potential Coaching

Developing Executive Presence

Qualifications and Accreditations:Advanced CIQ Certification

ACC with the ICF

MA in Leadership/Management

Founder of the Authentic Leadership Summit and the Emerging Executive Leadership Program

Panelist for the World Coaching Conference

Author of three books on leadership: Stand Out, Dare to Make a Difference, and Bottom Line


Charlottesville, Virginia, United States of America

Michelle Braden

CIQ Certified Coach

Michelle has coached and trained leaders and teams for over 20 years. She is the founder of the Authentic Leadership Summit, the Emerging Executive Leadership Program and has served as a panelist for the World Coaching Conference.


Michelle is a certified coach with ACC credentials from the International Coaching Federation, a MA in Leadership/Management and the author of three leadership books: Stand Out, Dare to Make a Difference, and Bottom Line.  She is also a long-term thought-leadership contributor to several blogs/publications including: Forbes Coaches Council, Thought Leaders, Lead Change and Leadership Courseware.


Michelle is committed to partnering with leaders to identify their motivators, drivers, values and principles that increase their awareness of who they are and how they want to be known as a leader.


She works with leaders to uncover both productive and challenging behaviors that may be enhancing their leadership or holding them back from being the leaders they want to be. Ultimately, leaders are motivated to set and achieve their highest goals.